Corvil Cloud Analytics Binance Plug-In

For traditional equities and derivatives venues, latency sensitive trading is colocated in data centers using networks with high reliability and performance. With Binance, everything moves to public cloud infrastructure. It is easier and faster to deploy trading strategies, but predictable and reliable performance is harder to achieve or even to measure.

Corvil Cloud Analytics addresses critical issues, including:

  • Speed Variability – Corvil Cloud Analytics identifies the fastest trading sessions and provides real-time alerts due to re-routes in the cloud infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Stalled Trading Sessions – Corvil Cloud Analytics pinpoints the cause of any trading session stalls, removing uncertainty and enabling deterministic root causes.
  • Data Session Interruptions – Corvil Cloud Analytics removes ambiguity behind terminated market data sessions, offering visibility and definitive insights into whether the root cause lies with the cloud provider, client application or the exchange.

For a free trial, contact Pico today!